8 Pillars of Joy - Forgiveness

I, like many others, have done some things in my life that I am not proud of.  It is funny that no matter how many years go by, these things stick in your mind and become part of who you are.  There are also those moments in my life that I have been hurt A LOT by someone else.  In both of those scenarios, there is something that sticks with you, changes you.  Allowing these moments to be ones we learn from is a good thing, holding on to the anger and hurt is NOT!

In The Book of Joy, they mention the importance of forgiveness on the path of JOY.   I think that this is the hardest of all of the pillars to achieve.  It is also the most important.  Holding on to this anger related to the past "tethers us to the person who harmed us".    The only person that is harmed by hanging on to this anger is YOU!  Forgiving is an opportunity for healing yourself and allowing yourself to move forward without the baggage.  Harboring these negative feelings suppresses our immune system and increases the bad hormones.  Forgiveness is healthier for the mind, body and spirit, and is one of the keys to happiness. 

I would not say that this was ever easy for me, in some cases it took a long time to let go and forgive, even when I had to forgive myself.  But I use my yoga practice to move through the pain, not avoid it, and come out on the other side a little stronger and smarter.  I breathe, I move and I remember that I am not perfect, and neither are those around me.  We are all just trying to live our lives the best way we know how.

Forgive and set yourself free!   Wishing you health and vitality, Linda