8 Pillars of Joy - Gratitude
As I sit here today, I have been reminding myself how grateful I am for the opportunity I have to boost my immune system - today I have a cold! Even though I am not feeling my best, I know in my heart that this is the way that the universe has of slowing me down and making me rest.
Gratitude is probably one of the most important of all the pillars of joy. Today, I was blessed to be able to wake up in a warm bed, in a house that I love, and had the opportunity to teach yoga and joy to wonderful yogi's this morning. How can I complain!?
Gratitude is an opportunity to respect and appreciate everything in this web of our life that brings us to this point in time. Life may not be perfect, we may not be perfect (far from it), but most of us are blessed beyond measure to be here and be alive. "It is not happiness that makes us grateful, it is gratefulness that makes us happy", as The Book of Joy reminds us. So, even when you are struggling, as many of us are, can you take a moment and be grateful for what you do have, rather than focusing on what you do NOT have? This can make ALL the difference in your day, improve your health, and attract more positive people into your life. Don't we all need that?
Each day, take a moment to stop and write, or at least mentally note, what you are grateful for. I like to do this as I drive, since it is Me time and quiet. I suggest that you get into the daily habit of gratitude and see how your life can change. Try it for 30 days and see what happens. Drop me a line and let me know. I would love to hear from you all; what you are grateful for today?
With gratitude for every one of you, Linda