Meditation is a key component of health and wellness. Even a few minutes a day, can calm the mind and create space for inspiration!
Metta meditation - one of my favorites
While in a comfortable seat, mentally repeat to yourself:
May I be happy, May I be healthy, May I be at peace.
Next visualize someone you love, repeat:
May they be happy, May they be healthy, May they be at peace
Now picture someone that you are a friend or acquaintance of:
May they be happy, May they be healthy, May they be at peace
Now visualize someone that you have difficulty with:
May they be happy, May they be healthy, May they be at peace
As you cultivate this love in your heart for ALL those around you, it grows into something deeper within yourself. This greater love of all attracts more love and abundance towards you. Bow down and give thanks to close your meditation.
Tips for Starting a regular meditation practice:
1. Find a comfortable seat, not everyone can sit comfortably in a cross legged position. Try others, such as sitting on a pillow or bolster with your knees bent or sitting in a straight back chair.
2. Find a time of day that you can count on the time being available, such as before the rest of the family members wake up in the morning. Once the day starts, it is tough to control your own schedule!
3. Try different methods! Some like eye gazing meditations, some like to use mala beads, and some people just like to follow the flow of their breath - there are options that work for everyone!
4. Tune in here for regular tips and new ideas to help you improve your meditation practice.