One Crazy Idea at a Time to Change the World!
Almost 25 years ago, I began to look at my life and the world around me. I had a young son and wanted to make sure that I provided the best environment for him to grow and thrive! This meant moving towards healthier eating, and at that time we removed all processed meat, pop and white flour/breads, etc. It was the beginning of an evolution and a revolution!
Soon after I began to realize how wasteful we are in this world. This epiphany hit when I saw the piles of wrapping paper in the trash, only minutes after the presents had been wrapped, viewed, and then opened. Why!!! All the time, money and paper that went into that process, and it was now headed for the landfills. Yes, the Christmas tree looked picture perfect, but all of that for a few minutes of pictures? It felt very selfish to live that way.
So, I was on a mission. I found old scraps of material, shopped at the craft stores for remnants and started sewing! Since that year, my family has rarely received a paper wrapped present from me! I have a beautiful set of sewn drawstring bags that get used for all holidays. Key family members have their own special bag that their present goes into every year. The bags are a variety of sizes, shapes and colors and are a special part of our holiday tradition.
I am so proud to hardly ever buy gift wrap and to not be contributing to the landfills with wrapping paper. It also saves so much time in the wrapping process! Yes, my tree is not as picture perfect as others, but to me it is more meaningful than most. It is not only symbolic of how I live my life, but a tribute to the world and to my family. One crazy idea at a time, I will be healing my family and the world around me!
What can you do to save our environment so that the nature around us can continue to provide clean air, water and land? Share with us on my Facebook page!
With health and vitality for our world! Linda