Will you miss the Omens?
Our Women, Wine and Wellness group is reading "The Alchemist". Such an inspiring book, with many undertones. As I have been reading, I have been evaluating my own approach to life and thinking about what guides me. Many people believe in, or watch for, signs or omens that give them a sense of direction in life. For some, the omens also give comfort, reminding them that somehow the universal spirit is there for them, supporting them on their path.
I do believe this to be true, and know in my soul that we each have a "personal legend" that we are meant to live out. However, there are times when I cannot see the signs. I miss the omens. I feel all alone on my path. Do you ever feel that way? One of the reasons this happens is simple! We are not paying attention! Life is full of tasks, lists, fast paced activities and too much electronics. We are not present in our lives and not really paying attention to what is occurring in the moment. So the signs go unnoticed!
Life is so much better when my meditation practice is steady and focused. Inspiration comes, the signs are noticed; and I know that I am on the right path. All of that from a few moments of quiet. No matter what your mindfulness practice looks like, make sure it is consistent. These little moments of presence are an important part of living out your legend!