A Foundation of Joy

The last 2 months I have had so much fun sharing the messages from The Book of Joy.  It has not only been woven throughout my yoga classes but has become part of me.  I find myself singing and dancing more, for no reason at all.  I feel better about my physical self and more confident as I move forward into the world with new purpose.

I am not sure what made the change specifically.  But I think it is because I have spent the last six months immersing myself in the concept of JOY.  I think that when you dive into a topic, study it, live it, share it, and believe it, that it becomes part of you.  Yoga teacher training was very much like this. After 9 months of intense study, you become a different You. 

Of course, every word out of my mouth is not joyous and positive!  But, I do know that my underlying sense of Self is feeling this sense of peace, even when there are moments that are not easy.  It is easier to return to this space of JOY more quickly, when it has become my foundation.  

Now as I explore new adventures in my life, things that scare my soul, I can do it knowing that I have this foundation to build on.  If the adventures are not as I expected, I am still wonderfully built on this foundation of JOY and no less than that.    And who knows,  I may be expecting something that is far less than what is coming my way!     

Joy, Mudita, Jai, Gioia, Alegria, Freude, Joie.   The feeling is the same in at language!

With health, vitality and JOY!!!   Linda