8 Pillars of Joy - Generosity
The energy of life is not a one way street. Any energy that flows needs to continue to move, since stagnation will cause illness and lifelessness. The Dead Sea is a great example of this. It takes in water from many sources, but does not have any outlet to move water out. So the water becomes stagnant and unable to sustain life.
Our physical and subtle bodies are very much like that! We need to take energy and be able to give it. This giving process is one of the pillars of joy - generosity. Each of us has a special talent that should be shared with the universe. Some of us give money, some of their time, some of their kindness and spirit. This process of giving improves our health and the longevity of our lives! We give from our innate sense of purpose or dharma; and living out our dharma is proven to improve our health and longevity in life.
The world around us benefits, and so do we! No one person can be everything to everybody; so we depend on others to be part of our lives. There are times when we need more help; and there are times when we can give more than receive. Just like yoga, in the end, it is all about balance in the web of life. I am so blessed to have gifts that allow me to serve others, yoga, reiki and my internal strength and energy. They are gifts BECAUSE I can serve with them, not because I have them. If was not using them to make the world a better place, they lose their benefits to me and others.
Stop and ask yourself today . . . what gifts do you have that make a difference in the lives of others? Bask in the joy of those talents, share them, and shine on!
With health, happiness and vitality, Linda