8 Pillars of Joy - Humility

It is great to feel good about yourself and have confidence.  Some ego is necessary for our survival.  It is easy to feel great and confident when things are running smoothly in your life.  However, things don't always go as we would like them too.  It is quite often that I will dress up and feel great how I look going out, only to spill something on myself!  (My husband reminds me never to where white!)  Those moments remind me that I am human, I make mistakes and I am never better than or less than someone else.  Those moments can "knock you down a peg". They can humble you!

The Dalai Lama reminds us that we are all born and die the same way, dependent on others.  At those moments, we are all the same, whether you are a prince, a beggar, a president or a yoga teacher.  These words remind me to think differently about my yoga experience, to not compare myself to others.  I humble myself to those who are working so hard to just handle their first downward facing dog or make it through their first class.  I know those feelings and have been in that place.  "No one is a divine accident", we are all special. We are all have a unique purpose here on this earth, and yet we are all the same.  We are all living out our own divine plan and struggling with our own stuff. 

The diving light in me honors the SAME divine light in you!  Namaste.

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